Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Carbohydrates Are Bad, Right, So What's With The Weight Lifting Diet?

Carbohydrates are not evil. There seems to be a very big trend that seems to suggest that carbs are not good for you unless your a marathon runner or something. Or that they just make you fat. Your weight lifting diet actually benefits from carbs when consumed sensibly. Any weight lifting diet that attempts to cancel them out completely should be questioned. (No, I'm not talking about Atkins, it has it's place)

Question: What is one of the key factors when you need to bulk up while following you weight lifting diet.

Answer: Energy.

If your body lacks the fuel that it needs to burn energy and repair itself, you will have a serious lag in your ability to build muscle. Carbohydrates are a source of this fuel. Carb intake for a "weight loss" is very different for carb intake for a weight lifting diet.

There are other factors but for now lets look at Carbohydrates.

Come good sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit and veggies. Carbs should be consumed with the future in mind. What I mean is just as they say your decisions today shape your success tomorrow, the carbs you eat to day help your workout tomorrow.

It takes time for you body to process a meal and convert carbs into usable energy. There are some forms that are in drinks that take effect faster but in our weight lifting diet we need to plan ahead.

I'm not gonna try to confuse you by talking about good carbs and bad carbs and all that scientific stuff. I bet you that if you asked Arnold if he cared about good and bad carbs he'd probably laugh at you and might say, in his notable accent, "I would just workout and then go get a healthy meal, I could care less about how it works, it just does".

You should make sure that you have a carb packed meal after a good workout and something to hydrate you and replenish your electrolytes. Do not consume things with refined sugar or even any of those "just like sugar" products.

Your weight lifting diet should be carb enriched but not over done because when you finally get to the burning stages to chisel and burn excess weight to give you that statuesque look you don't want to have to join "The Biggest Loser" just to do it.

As a matter of fact when you see a bodybuilder during the building phases when his carb intake is high, many times they appear to overweight. They know what they're doing and will come to a time when they shed all of that and that's when all that you see is muscle and veins.

By the way you need carbs in a weight lifting diet because they help in the production of blood and clotting, your immune system, As a matter of fact when you're over training your body with bad workout practices your body goes into a specific survival state that switches to burning any source of carbs available and burns minimal fat.

This is one reason why some people say I work out like crazy but I don't seem to really be losing fat. It's all about survival and when we put stress on our physiological system, intentionally our bodies have a very cool emergency back up plan. Your weight lifting diet plan should utilize this to your advantage.

Remember a weight lifting diet should not be unbalanced. To learn more about Carbs and optimum weight lifting diet plan, make sure that you find a reliable source and do not take any thing that's thrown at you until you've researched it. It's your body and anything you put into it is up to you.

Weight lifting diet plans are meant to make your bodies muscular gains excel to aid in bigger, faster gains. Make sure you have just that.

Dan Gonzalez

Yoga Teacher Certification Houston

5 Tips for Lawn Envy - Building a Dream Lawn

The sounds of engines breaking the silence of Saturday morning and the smell of freshly cut grass tells everyone that summer is in full swing. Up and down the neighborhood people keep an eye out for the fine manicured lawn with the must beautiful lush grass. But for every lawn the neighbors envy, ten others struggle, fight and battle their grass with problems, stress and frustration. For some the idea of artificial grass would solve all their lawn problems.

The Lawn Secret

The secret to that perfect lawn does come down to a perfect fertilizer to produce lush green miracle growth or depending on the yard man to cut the grass every week, or even pay to have a company come by once per once to give the lawn a look. The secret of a great looking lawn all comes down to good old fashion work and sweat.

Taking advantage of professionals to service the lawn for pest and fertilizer may provide some value. However, with a few basic tips and a little know how, your lawn can soon fight for the title of best looking lawn of the neighborhood.

Grass Types

Depending on where you live will help determine the type of grass and type of care your lawn needs. For example, many in the southern states find lawns of St. Augustine grass or many prefer centipede. Moving up into northern climates the best solution may be a mixture of grass types to produce a thick, dense carpet of grass. Check with the local nursery or state extension agency for the recommended grasses for your area.

Mowing the Grass

As tempting as it may be to cut down on the frequency of mowing the lawn, never cut the grass to low as this can cause the grass to burn from the intense summer sun. Bagging or raking the grass is a best practice for lawn care for a number of reasons. Small piles of grass can prevent sunlight from reaching the grass causing brown stops. Also, cut grass will wither and decompose. The decaying grass can be an invitation for bugs and pest.

The frequency of mowing will be determined by the weather conditions, grass health, fertilizer, rainfall or irrigation schedule, time of year and the period between the previous mowing.

Soil Aeration

Aerating the soil golf courses do this all the time - and adding topsoil in the spring can prepare your grass for the hot summer sun. Aeration will help encourage root growth as well as the grass blades while the topsoil adds nutrients and stability.

Watering & Irrigation

Watering the lawn too much can cause just as much harm as watering too little. We should all work to conserve water and not run sprinklers when it is raining. A simple rain sensor should be installed to reduce watering the lawn too much.

Grass as a plant is pretty forgiving, when you see the grass getting crispy, wilting or browning it is time to water. Watering scheduling is always a big debate and topic of water use discussions. Watering twice per week should meet the needs for most lawns. Water long enough to get a good deep watering of the soil moist to about two inches below ground level.

Fertilizing and Weeding

When selecting any fertilizer check at the local garden center for the best formulation for your type of grass and also the best formulation for the time of year applied. Some fertilizers come with a weed and feed formulation to kill weeds and fertilize the grass. Make sure you read the label and apply correctly. Weed and feed fertilizer applications should not be applied when temperatures reach certain levels.

Large weeds should be pulled or dug up then placed in the trash. Simply running a weed eater over them will not make them go away. If you choose to apply a weed eater be careful when spraying. Most weed killers will also kill the grass.

Beautiful lawns do not just happen; they are slowly built over time with tender loving care and attention. Focus on growing a good, strong, healthy root system and youll soon have a lawn the neighborhood will envy.

Lawn Problems? discover the right - fertilizer for grass as Thomas Fryd shares his 25 plus years of plant care and landscape experience at Learn practical professional advice on landscaping and houseplant care.

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