Thursday, March 20, 2008

Choosing a Forum Hosting Service

What to look for in a forum host?
-How long they have been in busy?
-What their support is like?
-How many forums do they host?
-What kind of themes do they offer?
-What mods do they offer?

The best way to start a community is to start off with a free forum on a hosting service. On those services you can buildup your community and get members active without having to pay for it. Most free forum hosts offer unlimited bandwidth for you to use in exchange for some small advertising on your forum. You get your own free forum which you are able to customize in almost any way you wish.

The main thing to consider when registering for a new forum with these services. Is how long these services have been in business and how active do they seem. Visit the support forums for hosting service that you choose and see if there have been any recent updates.

Some forum Hosts and what they have to offer:

SMF For Free ( - provides free Simple Machines Forums Features:
Free subdomain
About 20 Themes
arcade installed with 100+ games.
Attachments supported
Links mod installed
Paid subscriptions installed
Staff page mod installed
Ad Free and Ad hosted forums.
Been around since August 2005

CreateMyBB ( - provides free MyBB hosting Features:
Free subdomain
10 themes but the themes can customized in almost any way.
IRC mod installed
Attachments supported
Cash mod
Shoutbox mod
MyBB war installed
Many other mods installed.
Ad Free option.
Been around since April 2006

EasyPHPBB ( - provides free phpBB Hosting Features:
300+ templates installed.
arcade mod installed.
eXtreme Styles mod
avatar Gallery
forum Archive mod
Free subdomain
Been around Since Feb 2005

I suggest you look at each of these forum hosting services.
They each provide a different forum system and you can test which one works the best for you. right now SMF, phpBB, and MyBB are the most popular free forum software. Of those forum options I tend to prefer either SMF or MyBB since they contain the most features.

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Keeping Cooling Towers and Heat Exchangers Clean

filtration Systems Can Reduce Maintenance and Downtime.

To strike an interesting analogy, your cooling tower and heat exchanger is what the lungs and heart are to the human body; when either aren't working properly, it effects other parts of the body and your health suffers. Similarly, when your cooling tower and heat exchanger isn't clean, the heat exchange process doesn't work efficiently and the health of your production and process cooling system suffers.

Process cooling systems that rely on cooling towers to dissipate heat from process cooling water accomplish this by drawing massive volumes of air into the cooling tower as the water travels through the fill material on its way back to the basin. Through the natural evaporative process, heat is dissipated from the water before it reaches the water basin from which it is re-circulated through the chiller then through the heat exchanger and back again (kind of like when you sweat while working and letting the air evaporate the perspiration to cool you down). It is important to realize that cooling towers are gigantic air scrubbers that capture all airborne debris that happen to be floating nearby, and if your system doesn't have effective filtration, the debris can clog the fill and get circulated and trapped in the heat exchanger where it can build-up, restrict water flow and cause your process equipment to malfunction due to overheating.

An example of this is illustrated by a major automotive assembly facility that had faced periodic downtime due to their robotic welding systems not holding tolerances and causing quality problems. After the robotic technicians spent several days trying to initially solve the problem, one of the maintenance workers opened the heat exchanger and discovered that it was impacted with cottonwood seed, insects and other debris - flow had been reduced and the robotic equipment was running hot. Now you might be asking yourself, whey didn't they have some sort of filtration equipment? The answer is simple; at the time the facility was built, the ambient conditions in that area didn't require a filtration system. However, as the years went by and the area became more developed and cottonwood tree populations grew, the need eventually surfaced.

The interesting thing to note about this situation is that even though cleaning the heat exchanger got the robotic welding system back on-line and running at peak performance, it didn't solve the problem. In fact, cleaning heat exchangers is like taking a cold capsule to relieve the symptoms of a cold. Unless you treat the root cause of the problem, the cooling system will suffer time and again. The root cause in this case and in most heat exchanger fouling situations is the cooling tower - stop the debris from getting into the cooling tower and it will protect the entire process cooling system including fill, cooling water, chiller and heat exchanger. With the proper filtration technology, your process cooling system will stay clean and running efficiently all season long.

Selecting The Right filtration System

It is important to realize that optimizing the ecology and operational efficiency of your evaporative cooling system is best accomplished by combining a chemical treatment regimen with some type of filtration. The reason is that chemical treatment specifically targets suspended solids and particulates of 40 microns and below, while filtration systems are designed to stop larger debris, especially the kind that causes system clogging and fouling.

For cooling tower filtration, there are two general technologies: Water Based Systems for which there are a few different variations and Air Intake filtration Systems. With water-based systems, the choices include basic water strainers that remove debris by simply passing water through a mesh strainer; sand filtration systems that remove debris by passing the water through sand and centrifugal separators that spin the water and remove the debris through centrifugal action. In contrast, Air Intake Filter Systems remove the debris by filtering the air as it is being drawn into the cooling tower, keeping the debris out of the system in the first place. When considering your filtration options, the following questions should be asked.

  • What is the cost associated with downtime due to heat exchanger or cooling tower fouling or clogging? (Knowing this will help you justify your filtration system cost)
  • What type of debris is most problematic (can you see it or is it microscopic)?
  • Specifically what part of the system does the filter protect?
  • Which system provides the greatest filtration surface area (this can directly impact frequency of cleaning - the smaller the filter the more frequently it needs cleaning)
  • Can the system be installed without shutting down the cooling tower? (If the cooling tower must be shut down for installation, you need to factor lost productivity into the cost of your filtration system if it's not being installed during shutdown periods.)
  • What is the cost associated with both the filter and installation?
  • How easy is the system to install and maintain?
Answering the above questions will help you to fully understand your options and to make the best choice for your operation.

In the case of the automotive manufacturer, the solution they selected was the Air Intake Filter system. The reason was that they needed a system that would protect their entire process cooling system including fill material, cooling water, chiller and heat exchanger. When they evaluated water-based systems, they discovered that the options provided varying degrees of protection for the chiller and heat exchanger but didn't protect the cooling tower where the root of their problem was. If they had selected a water-based system, their cooling tower would have still drawn airborne debris into both the fill and water where the water filter would have captured the debris before it circulated throughout the system. From a maintenance standpoint, that would have solved the heat exchanger problem but it would have done little to reduce maintenance on the cooling tower. Further, when they compared the cost of water based filtration versus air intake filtration technologies, Air Intake filtration was found to be the more cost effective approach for their operation.

If you are not currently using a filtration system as part of your process cooling system, then any filtration technology will give you more protection than you have now, however, selecting a solution best suited to your operation requires that you know what kind of debris is the problem and where it is getting into the system. As a rule of thumb, " don't select a small debris solution to solve a large debris problem". Conversely, "don't select a large debris solution to solve a small debris problem". There is clearly a place for both water based filtration and air intake filtration - be sure you're selecting the right filtration for your specific need.

If you are looking to protect only your chiller and heat exchanger from airborne debris, then one of the water-based filtration technologies in combination with a good water treatment program can help you manage the debris that gets into the cooling water. If on the other hand, you're looking for full process cooling system protection, then you should look at Air Intake filtration - It will stop the debris from getting into your system in the first place.

Air Solution Company developed and patented the first Air Intake Filter specifically engineered to mount to the outside of cooling towers and other HVAC equipment for purposes of stopping the debris before it entered into the system. Since that time, Air Solution Company has been manufacturing and has introduced a variety of other innovative filter systems including its new Fine Mesh Filter which is engineered for use on small and medium size refrigeration coils and machine fan intake housing units. Air Solution Company Randy Simmons is with Air Solution Company, author of articles can be reached at

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Playstation 3 Controller and Accessories

The Playstation 3 controller has been designed to offer many great features for hours of fun and entertainment, it is also very light and fits well in you hand. Most gaming controllers tend to feel awkward as well as heavy. This can lead to having sore fingers and hands after some intense playing time. This controller offers a much better fit that enables you to use if for hours on end to play your favourite Playstation games. The layout of the control button is the same as the Playstation 2, but the serious gamers will notice the difference between them in comfort and weight. For example, the L2 and R2 buttons are a bit larger.

The Playstation 3 console has the ability to offer games for up to four players at a time using either wired or wireless controllers. If you require an additional controller, expect to pay about $40. The controllers for the Playstation 3 feature motion sensors. The six axis sensing capabilities of the controller will make games that involve driving a car, flying a plane, and other types of action movements so much more realistic. Some users may be disappointed to learn that the new Playstation 3 controller will not be including the vibration feature of the Playstation 2 controller. This was due to the fact the vibration feature interfered with the sensor. Also, anyone hoping to continue to use their Playstation 2 controllers will be disappointed to learn that they will not be compatible with the new Playstation 3 console.

With the option to use wireless controllers with a usb connection that automatically charges the controller will enhance the enjoyment of Playstation 3 gaming. This is such a great way to ensure hours of run playing your favourite games whilst sitting in the most comfortable spot in the room, and not being restricted to within reach of the controllers cord.

The Playstation 3 console has now been fitted with some great accessories to make your time playing games better. The HDMI cable will offer the advantage of more high definition resolution than what come with the console. These cables are being priced at $20 to $80 depending on the brand. However the generic brands do tend to work just as well.

If you want the excitement of playing online against other players, than you will need to invest in a home router that is either wired or wireless for the Playstation 3. Sony is offering this feature at no cost. However, it will be necessary to obtain a broadband connection from your local service provider.

The Playstation 3 memory card adapter will enable you to pick up right where you left off with the Playstation 2. The memory card adapter will be an excellent investment for those that have worked hard to save their levels from the Playstation 2 onto a memory card. Whilst the games will be compatible with the Playstation 3, it would be necessary to start right back at the beginning without the adapter. This memory card adapter retails for about $15.

There are already many great Playstation 3 games to get you going. Sure, you can still use your Playstation 1 & 2 games, on it, but it would be nice to invest in some of them new games that you see in the store with your new system. They range in price from $40 to $80.

Make sure to check out all the great accessories that are available for the Playstation 3, and invest in any that appeal to you.

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Planning a Superman Birthday Party

With the release of the new movie, the popularity of superman is growing. I don't think he ever went away, but it's now becoming easier to find superman items in the store. This should make your job of finding birthday party supplies extremely easy.

As mentioned above, finding supplies featuring superman shouldn't be difficult. Use the following mostly as a checklist for your little guy's next birthday party.

- Cake
Most cake decorators will have several different superman layouts. If you are making your own, you should be able to easily find a small toy to place on top.

- Ice Cream
A simple item which needs little additional information. regular ice cream should work for a superman party.

- Plastic Forks and Spoons
Superman's colors are red and blue, so purchase these colors if possible. If you already have some left over from last year, this will work too. Keep in mind red is also the color of Spiderman!

- Plates and Napkins
These should feature superman if possible, but go with red and blue if you must.

- Decorations
Streamers and balloons should be in red and blue only, or superman specific if possible.

- Invitations
These MUST feature superman if you are planning a superman theme. If you can't find any, let your son make his own. save one invitation for your scrapbook to remember the special day!

Don't forget to get your little superhero involved in the party. After all, it's HIS special day!

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