Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Suffer From Insomnia - Yoga May Be The Answer

...Everyone needs a good night's sleep, to help you feel great, think clearly and just have that get up and go feeling in the morning. For some though sleep can be hard to come by. The most common symptom that marks the start of insomnia is difficulty in falling asleep. You may note changes in sleep patterns and might find you cannot focus properly during the day. Other symptoms are loss of coordination and feeling confused.

What is the cause? Well, there are numerous things that can be the cause of sleeplessness. It may be due to a long-standing condition, e.g arthritis. Or it may be chemical caused by drinking tea, coffee or alcohol. Insomnia can also be linked with depression and...more

Take a Yoga Class - Five Solid Benefits You Can Experience from Yoga

... decision based on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Consider this: If you feel negative after listening to your Yoga teacher, you should leave. You may find another Yoga teacher in the same facility, or at another Yoga center, but do not put up with abuse.

Sleeping Better is a result of the first two, above-mentioned, Yoga benefits. For the most part, the physical styles of Yoga release muscle tension through Asana and Pranayama. The less physical styles may focus on Mantra, Meditation, and Relaxation Techniques.

Relief from Back Pain is a by product of the physical styles, but choose carefully. The more gentle Hatha Yoga sub-styles such as Restorative, Gentle, and Therapeutic Yoga, cater to students with a...more

Yoga Styles - Part 1

...chronic low back injuries.

When you are starting out, all the options are confusing. Yoga types are named, usually by the yogi (great teacher) that invented it or the school it was developed in. I want to separate the different yoga types and explain each one. That way you can chose the right yoga style for your needs and goals.

Hatha- This is probably the yoga you think of first. Introduced by Yogi Swatmarama, Asanas (postures) held with Pranayama (breathing techniques) are used as a meditative and physical way to lengthen muscles, limber the joints and free the mind. This yoga teaches you concentration, focus and when you finish practicing you feel elated and dreamy.

Ashtanga Vinyasa- This is...more

The Wonderful Benefits Derived From Yoga For women

...ringing with it change and stress to the body. During pregnancy it's also possible that health problems of the mother can be reflected in the health of the baby, so naturally the mother wants to be as healthy as possible for the whole pregnancy. Yoga is a great solution to these varied issues, making it easier for women to deal with these health obstacles through their lives.

It's quite common for women to prepare for the last months of pregnancy and labor using yoga. Every mother wants to deliver her baby without any type of complication, and being fit and healthy is a big part of helping that to happen. Certain yoga poses, including the cat pose and the fish yoga pose, are excellent for assisting the mother to develop both the physical strength and mental focus requir...more

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