Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Golf Swing Alignment And Golf Techniques

You were told that your golf swing needs improving? Well, it could need a complete makeover and change your game! But how about improving alignment and the short game? This could be the answer. This article will give some useful pointers on improving golf swing but at the same time revolutionizing your game dramatically by ,let us say, shaving seven strokes off your score in a few weeks !

Learning golf is done gradually rather than all at once and that is why it is not as easy as any other sport. With the essence of the game being to use a club to send a ball to a target, the essence of learning golf is to learn how the club must swing to the target if the ball is to go to the target.

Your swing

Your swing is natural and everything will depend on using the spine as an axis to keep you on the correct swing plane so alignment is crucial. How about concentrating on alignment? What about the importance of understanding ball flight to understand your swing. ?. Some golf gurus point out how swings can differ markedly in their mechanical aspects; the only thing important is that the club contacts the ball the way you want it to. And what about the short game maybe we should be giving more attention to that. Golf tips are nothing more than the thought you hold in your head as you swing your golf club. Your golf swing is like your signature, it is unique. The reason finding the right golf club is so hard is because there are so many types, designs, and features you have to consider in correlation to your skill, swing and needs.

Your Golf Handicap

Handicap statistics compiled by the National Golf Foundation and United States Golf Association show that most golfers establish their level of competency after a few years. Well, which category are you in ? High handicap golfer : Someone who has played a while, knows his or her way about the golf course, but can't seem to break 100 consistently. Mid to low handicap golfer: reserved for small percentage of people who shoot below 100 consistently, and want to get even better.

Whatever your handicap, you can improve it by following the advice of famous golfer who will tell you how to improve your swing but give you loads of great advice in getting your score down and reducing your golf handicap.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness. If you would like to dramatically improve your game, play the best golf of your life and lower your golf handicap, click on the link below:-

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