Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Exercise and Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Colon

The old adage that a person is what they eat rings true when it comes to colon health as well. In addition to a balanced and healthy diet, every individual should be aware of what other lifestyle changes are necessary in order to ensure they have a healthy and properly functioning colon. To keep the colon as healthy as possible everyone should:

Have a regular rectal exam. A physician will be able to diagnosis if polyps are present during a physical exam. Polyps are often a precursor to colon cancer. Having a regular physical examination that includes a rectal exam is important for both men and women.

Exercise daily. Although many people believe that have to endure hours at the gym in order to reap any benefits from their exercise regime, this simply is not true. Something as simple as a daily walk or a swim can greatly improve colon health.

Give up smoking. Smoking has many negative effects on the body including causing colon problems. There are many great programs in place that can aid people wanting to break an addiction to nicotine.

Being aware of your family health history. Colon cancer can be hereditary therefore it's imperative that every person have a thorough understanding of the colon health of their ancestors. Many families do not openly discuss health issues, particularly those involving the colon. Ask your family members about their colon health to ensure you are aware of any potential problems.

Report any potential problems to your physician. If you are suddenly constipated when you have always been very regular with your bowel movements or if you are stricken with what feels like an unending case of diarrhea, mention this to your doctor as soon as possible. The same is true if you experience abdominal pain or blood in your stools.

Maintain a healthy body weight. Many health problems are attributed to obesity, and colon cancer is one of them. If you are overweight, the process of losing weight should be started as soon as possible.

Strive to be stress free. Feeling extreme levels of stress can lead to constipation which is one of the contributing factors to colon problems. Meditation, exercise and yoga are all helpful ways to deal with stress.

Get adequate sleep each night. The entire body functions better when a person is well rested. Many experts recommend retiring at the same time each night of the week as well as waking at the same time. In addition, short naps during the day can prove beneficial to many individuals.

Reduce alcohol consumption. Although a glass of red wine each night has proven beneficial to both heart and joint health, drinking too much can lead to health problems. Alcohol should be consumed occasionally and in moderation.

In an effort to keep the colon healthy, every individual should make any necessary lifestyle changes. Although it can be a challenge to trade a diet high in fat and sugar for one that is based around fruit, vegetables and whole grains, it is essential for good all around health.

Note: Statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA, and should not be considered as professional medical advice.

2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Would you like to know more about natural colon cleansing? Our free, in-depth special report explains much more about how important colon cleansing is to your health, plus it provides easy techniques for using foods, water, and specific herbal supplements too. Visit http://www.amoh.org/Colon-Health/ to read the report now!

Cynthia Adams Yoga Pilates


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