Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ladies, Is Your Valentine The Cheating Kind?

According to statistics, 50% to 70% of men cheat on their mates. What type of man is most likely to cheat? Ruth Houston, infidelity expert and author of Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs says, Some men are more likely to cheat than others. You can tell by looking at certain things in their background, their past history, or certain character traits.

What about the man in your life? Is your valentine the cheating kind? Houston says the following questions will help you rate your mate to see if hes a potential cheater.

  1. Has he cheated in any of his past relationships?

  2. Does he have a parent who cheated?

  3. Does he believe in monogamy?

  4. Does he have male friends who are cheating on their wives or girlfriends?

  5. Does he have a lot of female friends?

  6. Does he thrive on adventure?

  7. Has he had a great deal of sexual experience prior to your relationship?

Generally speaking, the more yes answers, the greater the likelihood that he will cheat. But some answers carry more weight than others. To find out what your answers mean and see if youre dealing with a POTENTIAL CHEATER, a COMMON GARDEN VARIETY CHEATER, an EXPERIENCED CHEATER, or a HARD-core CHEATER visit

Even you only have one yes, Houston warns, theres still cause for concern. But there are certain precautions you can take. To get a FREE Tip Sheet titled How to Handle a Potential Cheater. send an e-mail to: and place the words "Potential Cheater Tip Sheet in the subject line.

Ruth Houston 2004

Yoga Cl At Malaysia


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