Monday, April 28, 2008

Personal Development Growth - The Right Balance

When someone mentions having your own personal development growth plan what sorts of things do you think about?

Let me try and guess a few of them:
- Goal setting
- Motivation
- Increasing your self-esteem and confidence
- Improving your image or public speaking
- Making better use of your time
- Empowering yourself to be happier

Recognize a few of these?

Certainly, understanding that you must set goals and organize your effort around achieving those goals is important and helpful on your road to self improvement.

Similarly, staying motivated is a critical part of achieving any progress on your personal growth plan. For many, motivation is a daily struggle - a losing battle where we blame procrastination and lack of motivation for our inability to make progress.

But let's take a deeper look at a personal growth plan that is based solely on ways to technically make you better each stage of the planning and execution phase of personal improvement.

Try answering the following questions:

"Where do you uncover objectives worthy enough of setting goals?"

Do you know what you want today in terms of a "perfect" career or business?

Do you understand what would trul make you happy if you could snap your fingers and it appeared instantly?

What about motivation? What would keep you motivated day-in and day-out? If motivation was not a frame of mind but rather was based on KNOWING you are driving towards the ultimate objectives in your life, wouldn't that keep you motivated?

Personal Development Growth from the Inside

You see, what nobody seems to talk about is that you can learn all of the techniques, case studies, examples and strategies you want when driving towards personal improvement, but if you do not base them on what is inside of you (alignment), then they are just technical tactics that will not result in lasting change.

By using techniques such as mediation, yoga and introspection, you can derive truly meaningful objectives in your drive to achieve personal development growth resulting in results that will surpass your wildest dreams.

By mixing internal realization with traditional spects of personal development growth you will have the secret to long-term, sustained personal improvement in your life.

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