Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yoga in Practice: The Impact of Yoga Teachers on Society - Part 1

... In fact, there is a yoga style for every need, purpose, and personality.

When you consider the number of yoga students, who want to change their lives on the physical level, union by physical mastery (Hatha Yoga) is easy for most students to grasp.

This is why you are seeing so many people gravitate toward Hatha yoga, but I predict that Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga, and Raja yoga will become more popular in the near future. So, there is much more to yoga, beyond exercises; but lets continue with the benefits yoga teachers make available in a typical Hatha yoga style

Pranayama, or breathing techniques, are commonly taught in many yoga classes. yoga students learn to take control of their lives and regulate their health, just by breathing correct...more

The Origins of yoga

...o do at first. If you're just starting out you can use props, aids, to help you feel steady and pleasant. That feeling can be achieved but meanwhile, use props, such as a pillow to allow more comfort. You should challenge yourself but don't move on until you are feeling comfortable with the first postures you learn. The same applies to your everyday life; you need to find a stable and comfortable place within you to find your true potential. The inner center is where all action should come from.

Eventually you are able to relax and meditate. While practicing yoga and it's going smoothly, you're already half way there. The feeling of achievement makes you know that all things are possible. The secret is to take the feeling you get from your yoga postures through the rest of the day. Challenge yourself today to find your quiet, peaceful inner peace.<...more

Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Teach your Students about Tranquility

... the student is seriously dedicated to his or her personal practice. Then, the serious questions will come, because an advanced student of Yoga will experience self-realization and spiritual growth.

If the questions do not come to you, do not worry about it. If a teacher constantly chatters, with free advice, no one will listen, because it is free. Loving parents also make this mistake, because they want to protect their children, but free advice is often ignored. Yoga teachers are no different. Keep your explanations simple and show your students the way - when they are ready.

Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more

Power Yoga: Your Choice for a Healthy Body and Mind

...Power yoga is basically known as the "yoga with brawn". This is the American version of ashtanga yoga, a kind of discipline that combines stretching, strength training, and meditative breathing.

A lot of poses look like basic callisthenics (pushups, handstands, toe touches, and side bends). But the key to power yogas sweat-inducing, muscle-building power is the pace. As a replacement for pausing between poses as you would in traditional yoga, each move flows into the next, making it a powerful aerobic workout.

Power yoga is an energetic exercise that challenges you physically and mentally in order to help you connect to your inner power. The power yoga poses are performed at a fast pace unlike regular yoga. One big benefit is that it can help you increase your physical endurance and ability to f...more

Vinyasa Yoga Dvd Self Magazine


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