Monday, March 31, 2008

10 Tips to De-stress, Part 1

Have you ever had times when everything feels like a drag and you hate to get up in the morning, get dressed, go to work, do whatever you have to, run your errands, take care of children, do housekeeping, and so on and so forth? It doesnt help if it is a lovely sunny day, you feel gray and cloudy. You feel so bad that you dont even want to feel better. You may also be so stressed you cant even think straight. Your mind spins; you are not in control.

Though this is a very common position to be in, turn it around you must. As you know, no one is all right, if you are not all right, so there is no time to lose. You are a lighthouse. You owe it to yourself and everyone you encounter today, to spread light. Turn it around. What you want to do is find ways to have fun doing what you must; everything, really. So here are some solutions for you:

1. You play games. You may think that games and fun are for children and you are way past that stage and it is really silly to be acting silly. Well, let me disagree. Once you get in the playing mode, there is no stop. Make up little things to begin with until you feel more comfortable stretching yourself. Start with walking. Even if you are not in the mood to take a walk, some walk you need to do: from your car to the store, from your office to you car, from your house to your mailbox, etc. take this opportunity to step on everything that makes a noise, or a click, or a splash. begin by stepping on dry leavesnow is the best time of the year for this. Then, if you are really walking for the pleasure of it, find a little stone and kick it so it is always ahead of you; you will have a goal to pursue as well as putting your mind into something a fun.

2. Listen to some calming music. This is especially good when you are stuck in traffic. It can be classical, if you like it, or any type of meditation music, you know, the ones which play some cymbals, water running, gongs, bells, birds singing, etc. You know what I mean. Just pay attention not to fall sleep, especially while driving.

3. Go for a walk, or run or exercise, or do Yoga and Tai-chi, or dance, or whatever is your favorite form of movement. It neednt be one whole hour. Twenty minutes is plenty to refresh your body and soul. Avoid pumping your adrenals before you go to bed, or you will not sleep when you need to.

4. light a candle and/or incense. Nothing needs to be elaborated, really, and you can do so while attending to other things as well, if you must. A candle is good for any occasion, from cooking to reading. You can also spend a minute staring at the flame. This is a great de-stressor. I always have one on while I am working at the computer. Of course, you need to pay attention that you will not burn down the house. Though lightning candles may seem more of a female kind of activity, men will profit greatly from it. Just give it a try.

5. take a minute every hour of the day to stop whatever you are doing, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Though it is only a minute per hour, this is easier said than done, but make a point and stick to it. One minute may seem a lot especially when we are so hurried, but I promise you it is not. You can also take a good sip of water after your deep breath. This is especially good for those who arent too fond of drinking water or those who forget to do so.

So here you have it, at least the first part of my tips. The most important thing here is to remember to avoid excitement or any boost of adrenaline in whatever form, even if it is just a piece of chocolate or a nice cup of coffee. I know it sounds harsh, but you will notice the difference. Next time you feel stressed or burnt out or just plain blas, try any or all of these suggestions. You will feel much better within 20 minutes. Guaranteed.

To be continued

Maria Moratto 2006
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Dr. Maria Moratto is the author of "The Inspired healing For Your body, Mind, and Soul," "The Inspired healing Journal: Mending Your Broken Heart," and "Attract Money Journal." Visit her site to get fr*ee affirmation cards.
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